Aptitude in Administration Bundle: Become an Expert Employee (10 Gen/Admin CEU)
No course substitutions or refunds allowed
NOTE: Prior to purchase, please confirm that you have not completed any of the five courses listed below. No course substitutions or refunds allowed
Aptitude in Administration Bundle: Become an Expert Employee Description
10 Gen/Admin CEU Bundle

Put your administrative knowledge to the test—and enhance that skill set in the process—by completing the following courses:
  • APRNs in Transitional Care: Understanding the Role These Providers Can Play
  • Breach Blockers: Protect Patient Privacy in the Electronic Age
  • Clear the Linguistic Gap: Help Patients with Limited English Proficiency
  • Policy and Procedure: Put Your Employee Manual Under Examination
  • Road to Recovery: Navigating the Twists and Turns of Workers’ Compensation

Individual Course Descriptions

APRNs in Transitional Care: Understanding the Role These Providers Can Play
Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are versatile professionals who can work in a variety of health care settings. Learn more about the training APRNs receive and the roles they can play, particularly in the area of transitional care.

Breach Blockers: Protect Patient Privacy in the Electronic Age
Protected health information (PHI) may be worth more than 10 times the value of other types of personally identifiable information (e.g., credit card records). Review patient privacy and security requirements as well as violation penalties, and explore best practices in protecting PHI from data breaches.

Clear the Linguistic Gap: Help Patients with Limited English Proficiency
Communication barriers between health care providers and patients who have limited English proficiency (LEP) can jeopardize the quality and safety of the care patients receive. Learn more about patients with LEP, their rights, and the resources that are crucial for providing accessible care and avoiding miscommunication.

Policy and Procedure: Put Your Employee Manual Under Examination
The policy and procedure manual is a vital resource for managing the many challenges involved in running a busy medical office. Explore the differences between procedures and policies and learn how to update an existing manual to keep everyone on the same page.

Road to Recovery: Navigating the Twists and Turns of Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation programs are legally required in all 50 states, but the rules and requirements are unique to each. Explore how workers’ compensation is distinct from other forms of insurance, including documentation requirements, administrative demands, and pressures to return injured employees to work without unnecessary delay.
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: Member: $75.00
Nonmember: $150.00
CEU Offered:
10 Gen/Adm CEUs