The Impact of Behavioral Health on Population Health
Behavioral health integration (BHI) connects clinical and behavioral health care professionals so they can provide a more systematic and seamless approach to patient care delivery. Learn what benefits BHI offers to not only population health but also to the health care team. Examine the building blocks to BHI, and review medical assistants’ roles in behavioral health.

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Want to earn the Population Health Module digital badge? Learners who’ve passed all six individual courses of the Population Health Module become eligible to purchase the final exam ($20 for AAMA members and $40 for nonmembers), which is worth 1 AAMA CEU, through an AAMA staff representative. Learners can call 800/228-2262 and speak with a Continuing Education Department representative or email to arrange for payment and access. If the learner passes the final exam, they will have earned and will receive the Population Health Module digital badge.

Note: Learners can pass the six individual courses in any order, without a particular time frame restriction. Career enhancement meets convenience: earn professional development at your pace!
Availability: On-Demand
Expires 14 days after start
Cost: Member: $20.00
Nonmember: $30.00
CEU Offered:
2 Gen/Adm/Clin CEUs