The Principles of Adult Learning
The Principles of Adult Learning

Module 1: Introduction to Adult Learning

This module will help you understand the basics of adult learning and how that knowledge can be beneficial for allied health educators. You will be introduced to allied health education, educational theory, and how adults learn.


Explore the following topics related to an introduction to adult learning:

  • Role of an educator – adjunct/part-time versus full-time
  • Accreditation requirements for institutions and programs
  • Institutional basics including types of schools
  • Educational theories
  • Assumptions and learning styles related to adult learning
  • Cognitive load and other learning theories


Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the differences between being an adjunct/part-time educator and a full-time educator
  • Define accreditation and describe the two types: institutional versus programmatic
  • Identify the seven different types of schools and the characteristics that define them
  • Describe school governance and its role in higher education
  • Identify and describe the three key educational theories: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism
  • Identify the five assumptions, as defined by Malcolm Knowles, related to adult learning
  • Identify and define the seven learning styles
  • Define cognitive load theory and discuss the three types
  • Identify and define the three adult learning theories


Module 2: Instructional Design

This module will help you understand the instructional design process and learning domains and how the knowledge can be beneficial for educators.


Explore the following topics related to instructional design:

  • Instructional design
  • Instructional design models
  • Learning domains


Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss basic information concerning instructional design
  • Identify and describe the five instructional design models:           
    • Robert Gagné’s nine instructional design principles
    • The Dick and Carey model
    • Hybrid model
    • ADDIE model
    • ROPES model
  • Identify and describe the three types of learning domains


Module 3: Learning Techniques and Technology

This module will introduce you to techniques that can be used to increase knowledge acquisition and retention for learners, as well as how technology can be used effectively with the adult learner.


Explore the following topics related to learning techniques and technology:

  • Knowledge acquisition and retention
  • Tools and trends related to knowledge acquisition and retention
  • The adult learner and technology, social media, eLearning, and a personal learning network (PLN)


Learning Objectives:

  • Describe knowledge acquisition and retention
  • Identify factors and strategies that affect adult learning and knowledge acquisition
  • Identify and describe tools being utilized in adult learning
  • Define technology and describe how it affects the adult learner
  • Define social media and describe how it affects the adult learner
  • Identify ways to integrate social media into the classroom and the pros and cons of doing so
  • Define eLearning and describe its relationship to adult learning and its benefits
  • Identify and describe retention techniques for eLearning
  • Describe a personal learning network (PLN)


What’s included: eLearning course with milestone practice test and a downloadable companion eHandbook.


Continuing education credits: 7 CEUs G


Members price: $175

Nonmembers price: $265


One retake on the exam is allowed.

Join as a member today and save on this course! After joining as member, you will need to close your browser and sign back in to see the discounted price.


Want to earn the Assessment-Based Certificate Program in Allied Health Education (ABC-AHE)? Learners who’ve passed all three individual courses of the ABC-AHE can request the final exam for the entire ABC-AHE by emailing at no additional cost. Requests will be processed in approximately three to five business days. If the learner passes the final exam, they will have earned the Assessment-Based Certificate Program in Allied Health Education.

Availability: On-Demand
Cost: Member: $175.00
Nonmember: $265.00
CEU Offered:
7 General CEUs